For Loyalist College, Belleville, Ont.
In 1942, Sachiko Okuda’s father, Hiroshi, was living in Vancouver, B.C. when nearly 22,000 people of Japanese descent living on the west coast of B.C. were forced to leave their homes. While Sachiko grew up in Montreal, Que. with a sense of Japanese Canadian community, her father’s wartime experiences were largely unknown to her until she received a box of his items from her sister who was downsizing. Now living in Ottawa, Ont., Okuda reflects on what she discovered in Mr. O’s box and what she learned about her father.
For Loyalist College, Belleville, Ont.
A dance class in Belleville, Ont. is providing an opportunity for those with Parkinson’s disease and limited mobility to move. Dancing with Parkinson's has taken place every Thursday over the last four years at the Quinte Ballet School of Canada. Even holding classes online during the pandemic, many participants continue to attend regularly. They recently celebrated their 150th class.
For Loyalist College, Toronto, Ont.
in plain sight chronicles Jun Cura-Bongolan's story about discovering his Japanese Filipino heritage. Through his grandmother's story following the Second World War, Cura-Bongolan shares how she gave him the courage to take pride in his identity and be himself.
For the Nikkei Voice, Vancouver, B.C.
Vancouver's Shako Club is a joint project between artist Cindy Mochizuki, the grunt gallery and Tonari Gumi.
For Glass City, Vancouver, B.C.
The Crump Twins reminisce on their time jamming with Jimi Hendrix.
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